From the bottom of my heart, thank you, MERCI for your incredible passion and love for everything French—France, Paris, and the beautiful French language!
Wishing you and your family a warm and joyful Thanksgiving, filled with love, gratitude, and cherished moments together. May this special time bring peace to your hearts and happiness to your home.
Cherish your loved ones and hold them close. Life is precious, and our time together is a gift. I lost my dad to leukemia five years ago and, as well as my godmother, godfather and my son's godmother to cancer. Sadly, this has become a reality for so many families.
Two years ago, my husband was diagnosed with stage 3 colon cancer. After just one round of chemotherapy that nearly took his life, he turned to a plant-based diet— I did tons of research and so did he, and today, he stands as living proof of its incredible power.
No matter what challenges life places in your path, remember to focus on la joie de vivre, the joy of life. Treasure the simple moments, the laughter, and the love you share. Neither wealth nor work can replace this. It's the joy we create with our loved ones that gives life its deepest meaning. 💕

I’m constantly inspired by the dedication and hard work of my amazing students. Remember, it’s all about progress, not perfection!
Scroll down to discover the handpicked movies just for you! Grab your notebook and get ready to jot down those local expressions you’ll pick up while watching French series on Netflix or Amazon Prime. It’s the perfect way to immerse yourself in the language, sound more like a local, and make your French journey even more exciting. Don't miss out—let's dive in together!

Speaking of which, have you checked out the new France Channel on Prime? I reached out to them, but no reply yet... I was hoping to share some of their amazing content with you all on my Instagram. I miss France so much! To keep the connection alive, I’ve been posting clips of French comedies and vocabulary since June, and guess what?
I’m beyond thrilled to share that our community has grown from 34K to an incredible 99K followers—all thanks to your amazing support! Merci beaucoup for being part of this journey. If you haven’t joined yet, come be part of the fun on Instagram at @missvalerie_frenchie—I can’t wait to connect with you there! 🌟🇫🇷
Learning through movies is one of the most fun and effective ways to boost your French. It helps you sound more like a local, while immersing yourself in the rich culture, quirky colloquial expressions, and that signature French humor we all love. Keep enjoying the journey, and don’t forget to check out some of my tips along the way! 🌟
TO START YOUR ONLINE FRENCH CLASSES: EMAIL ME at valeriefrenchteacher@gmail.com
As a special Thanksgiving gift, I’m excited to offer you an exclusive 20% discount on our introductory package at the Long Beach Lingual Institute!
FOR A FREE CONSULT or COLLAB, Call or text or WhatsApp at 1.213.321.6240
🎉 That means you can now enjoy our new student package for just $255 (regularly $340), which includes four online classes—each lasting one hour. It’s the perfect opportunity to jump start your French learning journey and embrace the language with expert guidance. Don’t miss out—let’s make this holiday season the start of something wonderful! 🌟
I have some exciting news to share with you, and I’d love for YOU to be one of the first to join this amazing experience - That could be one of your best Xmas present to yourself:
An Escape to Paris in California, A French-Inspired Wellness Retreat.
If you’re ready to discover the true French way of living—where we take the time to live and embrace the joy of life—send me an email at
beretclub@gmail.com, and write Paris Bliss and I’ll send you all the details.
Mark your calendars for Saturday, April 26th and Sunday, April 27th, because you won't want to miss this unique French-inspired wellness retreat in California with me, Native French Miss Valérie.
Escape to Paris in California: A French-Inspired Wellness Retreat
Bienvenue! This weekend retreat is your chance to immerse yourself in the charm of Parisian culture while rejuvenating in the tranquil beauty of California. You’ll experience the French art of savoring every moment, learning to slow down, savor life’s simple pleasures, and truly take in the present.
This retreat will transport your mind and soul to the heart of France, all while basking in California’s serene landscapes. Experience French-inspired wellness activities, art, movie, relaxation, and, of course, learning some French and plenty of joy!
I can’t wait to share this unforgettable experience with you. If you want to be a part of it, drop me an email at beretclub@gmail.com, and I’ll send you all the info! Let’s embrace the joie de vivre together! 🌟✨
INFO FOR THIS FRENCH RETREAT at: beretclub@gmail.com, and write PARIS BLISS
Here is the last event of my BERET CLUB: It was a WINE & PAINT soirée at HOUSE OF COCOTTE, the new French Hub-owned restaurant in Downtown Los Angeles (DTLA).
A night we all cherished. Under the guidance of the brilliant local artist Mariette Artine, our group painted an easy to do Parisian café scenes and the iconic Eiffel Tower, all while sipping champagne and eating delicious French food like their amazing Croque Monsieur (our French version of Grilled Cheese Sandwich, or their Baked Brie, they have also a Smash Burger). The gracious owner treated our BERET CLUB to a complimentary bottle of champagne. The evening was the perfect blend of art, culture, and camaraderie—a true celebration of French flair in the heart of Los Angeles.
Watching popular French shows and documentaries on Netflix and Amazon is an excellent way to boost your cultural fluency while sharpening your vocabulary and listening skills.
Regarder des émissions et des documentaires français populaires sur Netflix et Amazon est un excellent moyen de renforcer votre aisance culturelle tout en aiguisant votre vocabulaire et vos capacités d'écoute.

Here are some of the best French series that I recommend you. Vous trouverez mes séries préférées et par ordre de préférence!
Voici quelques-unes des meilleures séries françaises que je vous recommande. Vous trouverez mes séries préférées et par ordre de préférence !
Best French TV Shows on Netflix
1. Chef's Table: France
Oui, cooking is as art! Chef's Table, French edition, goes inside the lives and kitchens of some of the world's most renowned French chefs. Each episode focuses on a single chef and their unique look at their lives, talents and passion from their piece of culinary heaven.
Oui, la cuisine est un art! Chef's Table, édition française, plonge dans la vie et les cuisines de certains des chefs français les plus renommés au monde. Chaque épisode se concentre sur un seul chef et son regard unique sur sa vie, ses talents et sa passion depuis son coin de paradis culinaire
Learning tip: Use French subtitles when you can
~ If you get 70-80%, watch a first time with English subtitles and then again with French.
~ If you’re an intermediate or advanced learner, try using French subtitles if available as studies show it boots language learning.
~ If you can understand 70-80% of the dialogue with French subtitles, challenge yourself by guessing the rest from context. Try to free yourself from the need to comprehend every word. This allows you to learn in a more enjoyable, intuitive way.
2. Call my Agent (10 pourcent in France)
This comedy is a little gem that became a global Netflix hit. One of the best French shows for language learners.
At a top Paris talent firm, agents scramble to keep their star clients happy — and their business afloat — after an unexpected crisis. Each episode features at least one real-life French celebrity playing themselves.
Keep an ear out for colloquial expressions such as:
Cette comédie est un petit bijou qui est devenu un hit mondial de Netflix. L'une des meilleures émissions de français pour les étudiants en langues.
Dans une grande agence parisienne de talents, les agents se bousculent pour garder leurs clients vedettes heureux - et leur entreprise à flot - après une crise inattendue. Chaque épisode présente au moins une célébrité française réelle jouant elle-même.
Gardez une oreille attentive aux expressions familières telles que :
se prendre la tête – to get worked up about something, to get irritated
saouler quelqu’un – to annoy or exhaust someone, as in Il/elle/ça me saoule!
se casser – to leave. On se casse = Let’s get out of here.
dingue – crazy, as in C’est dingue!
chiant (vulgar) – boring, irritating
faire chier (vulgar) – to bother, to bore
3. Lupin
Fast-paced, fun adaptation of the exploits of master burglar Arsène Lupin, beloved French antihero of a series of classic crime novels. The most popular French series ever on Netflix.
The charming Omar Sy (Intouchables) stars as a professional thief who sets out to avenge his immigrant father for an injustice inflicted by a wealthy family. This binge-worthy heist series also addresses issues of racism and France’s colonial past.
Beautiful location shots in Paris and Normandy add to the enjoyment.
Adaptation rapide et amusante des exploits du maître cambrioleur Arsène Lupin, anti-héros français adoré d'une série de romans policiers classiques. La série française la plus populaire jamais vue sur Netflix.
Le charmant Omar Sy (Intouchables) incarne un voleur professionnel qui entreprend de venger son père immigré pour une injustice infligée par une famille aisée. Cette série de braquages dignes de frénésie aborde également les problèmes de racisme et du passé colonial de la France.
De belles prises de vues à Paris et en Normandie ajoutent au plaisir.
Some vocabulary:
balayeur – sweeper, street cleaner
aux enchères – at auction
décoller – to take off or launch; also slang for “to leave”
bidon – fraud, bogus (slang)
se barrer – to leave, get out (slang)
choper – to catch, to steal (slang)
poteau – friend, buddy (slang)
4. The Parisian Agency: Exclusive Properties (L'Agence en France)
Luxury property shows can be superficial, but what saves this popular French reality show is the focus on the close-knit Kretz clan, who runs a realty business from their home in Boulogne, Paris.
L’Agence features gorgeous locations around Paris and French holiday destinations like Île de Ré, Megève, Annecy, Cap Ferrat, and Saint-Barth.
This is real-life French with lots of slang. A great opportunity to hear everyday French with the benefit of subtitles.
Season 2 was released March 2022. Crossing my fingers for a Season 3!
Les émissions immobilières de luxe peuvent être superficielles, mais ce qui sauve cette émission de téléréalité française populaire, c'est l'accent mis sur le clan très uni Kretz, qui dirige une entreprise immobilière depuis son domicile à Boulogne, Paris.
L'Agence propose des emplacements magnifiques autour de Paris et des destinations de vacances françaises comme l'île de Ré, Megève, Annecy, Cap Ferrat et Saint-Barth.
C'est du vrai français avec beaucoup d'argot. Une belle opportunité d'entendre le français de tous les jours avec l'avantage des sous-titres.
La saison 2 est sortie en mars 2022. Je croise les doigts pour une saison 3 !
coup de cœur (m.) – favorite, crush; used to refer to things (like apartments) rather than people
soudé – welded, closely knit; une famille soudée – a closely knit family
craquer – to be unable to resist something; craquer pour qch – to find something irresistible (slang)
se magner – to hurry (slang)
braquer quelqu’un – to antagonize somebody (slang)
canon – good-looking, gorgeous (slang)
pépite (f.) – a gem or treasure
se planter – to mess up, to get something wrong (slang)
Let's start your French classes. I am so excited to guide you! Talk soon!
Frenchly yours,
FOR A FREE CONSULT or COLLAB, Call or text or WhatsApp at 1.213.321.6240
To Follow my Free mini French Tutorials, go here:
Best French TV Shows on Amazon Prime
Amazon Prime used to only have English subtitles, but it’s stepping up its game to match Netflix in language options.
1. Voltaire High (Mixte in France)
Captivating drama set in a French high school during the societal and sexual revolution of 1960s France. When the previously all-male school allows girls in for the first time, teachers and students aren’t prepared for this radical change.
The series was filmed in the medieval market town of Saint-Jean-d’Angély in the Charente-Maritime department of southwestern France. The high school is actually its famed royal abbey, a UNESCO World Heritage site.
Drame captivant se déroulant dans un lycée français pendant la révolution sociétale et sexuelle des années 1960 en France. Alors que l'école, auparavant réservée aux hommes, permet aux filles d'entrer pour la première fois, les enseignants et les élèves ne sont pas préparés à ce changement radical.
La série a été tournée dans le bourg médiéval de Saint-Jean-d'Angély dans le département de la Charente-Maritime du sud-ouest de la France. Le lycée est en fait sa célèbre abbaye royale, classée au patrimoine mondial de l'UNESCO.
2. A French Village (Un village de France)
The compelling story of a small fictional village in Jura during the German occupation of France during World War II. This gripping drama features complex characters, a great script, and nuanced acting.
In June 1940, the village of Villeneuve awakes to the arrival of the German army. The next four years of occupation have a shattering effect on the lives of its inhabitants.
Each season corresponds to about one year of the Occupation. The third season covers the mass deportation of the Jews and is hard to watch. However, it provides important insight into the excruciating moral choices faced by the French in this painful period that left psychological scars still felt today.
Seasons 1 and 3-4 are available free on Prime. You can watch the remainder with a free MHz Choice channel trial.
Some colloquial expressions used on the show:
Boche, Fritz (m) – disparaging term for a German, especially a soldier
flic (m) – police officer, cop
Je m’en fiche – I couldn’t care less. (You’ll also hear the more vulgar Je m’en fous – I don’t give a damn.)
vachement – really, bloody. Used as an intensifier. C’est vachement difficile ! – It’s really hard!
tonton (m) – childish word for uncle. You’ll also hear tata, or auntie.
J’en ai marre – I’m sick of this; I’m fed up
môme, gosse (m) – a kid
Ta gueule ! – Shut up; shut your trap!
emmerder quelqu’un (vulgar) – to annoy someone
L'histoire captivante d'un petit village fictif du Jura pendant l'occupation allemande de la France pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Ce drame captivant présente des personnages complexes, un excellent scénario et un jeu d'acteur nuancé.
En juin 1940, le village de Villeneuve s'éveille à l'arrivée de l'armée allemande. Les quatre prochaines années d'occupation ont un effet bouleversant sur la vie de ses habitants.
Chaque saison correspond à environ une année de l'Occupation. La troisième saison couvre la déportation massive des Juifs et est difficile à regarder. Cependant, il fournit un aperçu important des choix moraux atroces auxquels sont confrontés les Français dans cette période douloureuse qui a laissé des cicatrices psychologiques encore ressenties aujourd'hui.
Les saisons 1 et 3-4 sont disponibles gratuitement sur Prime. Vous pouvez regarder le reste avec un essai gratuit de la chaîne MHz Choice.
Frenchly yours,
Miss Valérie
I recommend—and often use in my classes—three fantastic resources to help you efficiently improve your French:
A Mystery Book Set in Paris: Unravel the intrigue surrounding Monet's drawings while practicing natural, conversational French through engaging dialogues.
A Journal Book on Discovering Paris: Dive into the magic of the city with prompts and activities designed to boost your vocabulary and cultural understanding.
Practical Dialogue Books: Focus on real-life scenarios, learning only the grammar you truly need to enhance your communication skills.
These resources are perfect for building your confidence, mastering French conversations, and immersing yourself in the beauty of Parisian culture!
If you want more info about this, email me at valeriefrenchteacher@gmail.com